Foxhunting Attenuators

Foxhunting attenuators can be used to help find a nearby hidden transmitter in the last few hundred feet when a radio's s-meter is maxed out. They have a male and female SMA connection so they can be easily inserted between a radio and an antenna. Avoid transmitting when these attenuators are connected to a radio.

AA1 Active Attenuator

The AA1 is an active / offset attenuator that creates an image of a transmitter on a new frequency. The signal strength of this image can be adjusted to bring it to a useable level. This design is based on the K0OV attenuator.

DownloadAA1 User Manual - v0.1

Add To CartAA1 - $52
With SMA male and female connectors. Includes a CR2032 coin cell.

Add To CartSMA F-F adapter - $6
Used to adapt the AA1 to a radio with a male SMA connector such as a Baofeng.

Passive Step Attenuators

Our passive step attenuators have 4 indepenently selectable attenuation stages of 5dB, 10dB, 20dB and 30dB. By enabling these stages, attenuation levels between 0dB and 65dB can easily be selected.

Add To CartSwitch Step Attenuator - $23
With 4 slide switches. When the switch is to the right, the stage is enabled.

Add To CartButton Step Attenuator - $23
With 4 push buttons. When the button is down, the stage is enabled.

Fixed Attenuators

These 2W inline fixed attenuators can be used on a receiver to reduce the signal strength of a nearby foxhunt transmitter. They have a male and female SMA connection so they can be easily inserted in place in any SMA connection.

Add To CartATT-20 - $14
20dB attenuator.

Add To CartATT-30 - $14
30dB attenuator.

Add To CartATT-20/30 - $25
One of each of the above. Combine for 50dB total attenuation.

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